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The Chase

A 3D, semi open-world level made with the 3D Game Kit in Unity. You, as the player, are trying to hunt down an outlaw that has escaped your custody to some unknown ruins.

As the player, you are "chasing" (as its name implies) a wanted fugitive through this unknown planet, through hostile traps and locals. All you'll have is your disposal is your staff, and your wits to make it through to the end. Will you catch your perp, or will you be left with more questions?

The Chase are 2 3D platformer levels. The first part has a number of pathways for the player to take, all leading to the same point. It's meant to allow the player to choose which pathway they want to go down, and encourage replayability. The collectible gems, the wanted fugitive, and lights are meant to guide the player, so they don't too lost with exploring their surroundings. The second half of the level, The Aerial Palace, is more direct, with a more straight pathway leading to a large showdown of minions.

The level opens in a narrow space, with only the target in the players sight. This forces the player to see the focus of the level and act as such, to run towards the target, engaging the "Chase". Dialogue will be triggered to give the player context to the overarching story of this level, as

well as context between the player and the target. The narrowed space is also meant to be a semi safe space for the player to start. As the name of the level implies, its impossible for the player to actually reach the target. Getting close to the target will cause him to run away, hence the players objective.

From the opening corridor, the level opens up to a ruins-like environment. Ultimately, there's three different paths for the player to take, however they all lead to the same place. The pathways gives the illusion of choice to the player, allowing them to find their own way through the ruins and to the next level!

The Middle Path
The Middle Path
The left, more arduous path
The left, more arduous path

The right, more leisure path
The right, more leisure path

In true villain fashion, the target leads you into an ambush, which is meant to be the first challenge of the level. Upon beating the minions, the target sits down the middle pathway. The middle pathway is meant to be the most direct path to clearing the first level. The left pathway is meant to be the most arduous path, with the right pathway being the lighter toned of the three. Having multiple pathways would encourage replayability for the player, to explore the paths that they missed in previous playthroughs.

Following the target through this first section would take you to an floating platform taking you to the second section: The Aerial Palace.

The Aerial Palace is meant to be more direct than the first section of the level. There is only one pathway for the player to follow, which is supposed to contrast the multiple pathways offered before. The layout of the level is clear to the player at the start, as the player is risen on a moving platform to the rest of the palace.

The Aerial Palace also makes use of simple button puzzles, breaking up the constant enemy waves that has been thrown at the player thus far.

This project was a solo project that went through many iterations before reaching this point. From the beginning portions of blocking out, to reiteration and holding playtesting sessions between friends and family.


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